Forza Nonni!

Help us help

Make a donation

Make a donation
Who do you want to direct your help to?
To discover more Click here
You choose the project to make a donation for
Your donation
50 €
100 €
200 €
Who are you
Personal data
If you enter your data, your donation will be tax deductible
Enter a valid email, we will send you the receipt there.
Your dedication
We have always published the donations we receive and the dedications of our donors.
You can find them all in the Your Offers section. How do you want to see yours?
Payment method
Credit cardCredit card
Secure payments with paypal and nexi
How we use your offers
Since 1955 we have been supporting schools, hospitals, needy families and victims of calamities.
85active projects
Our commitment in Turin, in Italy and worldwide.
557thousand helped people
Every year we are close to children, the elderly, mothers and the sick.
Tax benefits
For all donations, except cash, there are tax breaks.
The benefits are even stronger for projects against Covid-19: 30% deductions for individuals and 100% deductions for businesses.
Discover more
Other ways to donate
Cash, check, debit card, credit card, Facebook, 5xMille: helping us is easy.
Bank transfer
IT67 L0306909 6061 0000 0117 200
Post office payment form
Postal account 1035683943
Through Satispay
Click 'Donate now'
5 x 1000
Fiscal code 97507260012
See all the modalitiesvedi-tutte-le-modalita
Do you need help?
Contact us!
Call us or write us for any doubt or information.
orari From monday to friday
Hours 09:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:00
phone +39 011 656 8376